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Sightmaster 3

  • Available in two colour options with advanced style, stability and performance
  • Front opening aluminium snapframes for quick and easy poster change
  • Opening tool supplied for easy access
  • High strength Aluminium Composite Material back panel has smooth white surfaces for self-adhesive vinyl graphics or liquid chalk pen messaging if posters are not in use
  • Unique water-fillable HDPE base with built in wheels and heavy duty spring mounts ensure stability by allowing panel deflection in the wind
  • Anti-glare poster cover sheets ensure clarity and vibrancy by protecting posters from UV fade
  • Soft round corners for safety, improved corner brackets on 30" x 40" and A0 sizes & nylon feet reduce wear and increase stability on uneven surfaces
  • Transit trolley available to aid movement when base is full (30” x 40” and A0 sizes only)
  • Supplied with 2-piece spanner set
  • Clip-on Tactical Headers also available, giving extra promotional space at a minimum cost


You can download our templates below


All printed with UL GREENGUARD gold certified inks
Contract prices available

Sightmaster 3
Poster Size Display Area O/A Dimensions Weight Colour
(mm) (w x h x d mm) Empty/Full (kg)
A1 575 x 822 786 x 1150 x 510 12/48 Silver Frame/Grey Base
Black Frame/Black Base
30" x 40" 744 x 997  956 x 1342 x 609 18.3/81  Silver Frame/Grey Base
Black Frame/Black Base
A0  823 x 1173 956 x 1515 x 609 21/83 Silver Frame/Grey Base
Black Frame/Black Base

Artwork Guidelines


Our preferred format is an outlined Illustrator eps

Please set up artwork to 100% or scale (please see ‘additional information' below) and mark scale clearly on the file NAME. Ensure document colour mode is CMYK and all spot colours used are converted to CMYK.

Placed image files must either be embedded or supplied. These should be high resolution (300dpi) (please see ‘additional information' below) and ensure they are CMYK before placing. Ensure that there is an additional 10mm bleed beyond your artwork where colour/images go to the edge of the artwork and that your artwork has crop marks. Ensure all fonts are turned to outlines.


PDF is also a suitable format if created and saved in the correct way. Ensure artwork is set up to correct size. Please save as Press Optimised or Illustrator Default if created in Illustrator and include trim marks and at least an additional 10mm bleed area all around. Fonts must be embedded, or if job is for cut out lettering must be outlined before saving as PDF. Images and graphics must be in CMYK and to a high resolution (please see additional information below).

Other Formats

Photoshop *
File must be CMYK, flattened with no layers. Page size must be set to final size or scaled appropriately with scale marked clearly on job. Please include trim marks and 10mm bleed all around if necessary. Resolution should be as high as possible (preferably 300dpi) but can be set at 100dpi for very large format (files at 100%) or 400dpi at 1/4 size.

InDesign CC or earlier *
Ensure documents are set up to 100% or scaled appropriately with scale marked clearly. Include 10mm bleed all around if necessary. Images placed must be high
resolution and CMYK. Package job and include all fonts and images used, or export as a press-ready PDF

* Please be aware, some jobs are not easily converted for large format print if supplied out with our preferred options. (particularly vehicle wraps) If we have to convert your job, charges will be billed at £40 + VAT per hour.

We will endeavour to inform you of any chargeable updates prior to starting.

Supplying Artwork

1. Email can be used but large files may clog up email systems.
2. Dropbox, Yousendit, Wetransfer etc can be used for larger files.

For best results, please zip all job components together before uploading. Upload and send us the link.

3. We can also accept the usual CDs, DVDs and USB drives etc.

Additional Information

1. For best results, supply a hard copy proof.

2. We will check artwork free of charge but if it is not correct we will inform you so you can re-supply file or we can correct
artwork for an additional charge. Charges for supplied artwork alterations are £40 + VAT per hour billable in 30 minute

3. Vehicle outlines, roll up banner and pop up display templates are available on request.

4. Always ensure any artwork scaled is to a ratio and clearly
marked on the file. Please do not scale vehicle templates
supplied by First Display as these are already scaled to 1:20
(TX Taxi is 1.10).

5. For best quality, please ensure images are to a high resolution. Best quality is 300dpi at 100% but for large format print there are some allowances and in some cases 100dpi at 100% (or 400dpi at 1/4 size) will be sufficient. Please note that images taken from the internet are not high enough quality.

6. Colours - Please be aware that due to the limitations of 4 colour process digital printing, matching certain spot (Pantone) </i >colours is not achievable. Please use a ‘Pantone Spot to Process' colour chart to check colours.

7. Please get in touch if you have any further queries.

Choose Printing Options

Poster Size
Artwork Check
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Our Graphic Design Service

Take advantage of our in house design service!

At First Display, we are proud to offer the specialized services of our in-house design team, who are experts at creating bespoke designs tailored to meet the specific needs and specifications of our clients. Whether you are looking to purchase a unique product, require a custom solution for a particular project, or wish to differentiate your offerings with distinctive designs, our talented designers are here to bring your vision to life.

By closely collaborating with you throughout the design process, we ensure that the final product not only meets but exceeds your expectations, providing a truly personalised experience that sets your purchase apart. Trust in our expertise to deliver exceptional, customised designs for whatever product you are looking to buy, making it uniquely yours.

If you are interested then call us directly on 0131 443 4164 or email us at [email protected], our staff are standing by waiting to hear from you!