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3mm Alu Comp 0.21 skin — Best Seller!

  • More commonly known as Dibond, Alcubond, Dilite, Reynobond
  • This is a three component construction of two outer layers of thin aluminium (0.15mm, 0.21mm and 0.3mm skin) which sandwich a high-density insulated core.
    • 0.15mm – Single side – commonly site hoardings, small external signage
    • 0.21mm skin – More rigorous board, double sided, utilised more for longer lasting signage due to its thickness and stronger for channel on rear (pole sign)
    • 0.3mm – Utilised for V grooving and producing trays – Can be utilised for a stronger sign if required on high areas
  • Aluminium composite panels are an excellent material for outdoor signage as well as indoor
  • Fully Recyclable product (without lamination)
  • They can be laminated if required with various laminates which can make the life longer, anti scratch and or anti graffiti.
  • Various uses include Health & Safety Signs, Shop Fascias, Advertising Boards, Development Sale Boards, Directional Signage and Site Hoarding Boards.


All Printed direct to board with UL GREENGUARD gold certified inks
If design exceeds maximum board size, it will be delivered in multiple pieces
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